
Three meanings of the word “SCENA“

1) SCENA means “stage” in Latin, but it can also be used to describe a “scene” in a movie or play. It means a place where artists and collectors take the leading roles in creating drama.

2)But there is another important meaning. In today’s Japan, young people rarely interact with each other enthusiastically, but for the essential development of art, a strong exchange is indispensable. Therefore, this gallery is also meant to be a “stage” where various artists and art lovers can interact deeply.

3)Each letter of the name also means a place for art provided by Shukado.

–Shukado Contemporary Early Notable Art–

 Exhibition of GALLERY SCENA. Pre OPEN,  August 2022
Exhibition of GALLERY SCENA. Pre OPEN, August 2022

Mission of the gallery 1 [Exhibition]

We believe that contemporary art emphasizes contemporariness, critiques, transforms and synchronizes all phenomena including art, and continues to question the meaning of art and the state of art. In short, contemporary art is to “question the essence of art. This is also our theme itself.

Based on this premise, we at GALLERY SCENA. will present the following exhibitions.

1)Discovering the talents of the young, the old, and the young-at-heart of our time.

2)Introduce historical “contemporary art” that has been accumulated as contemporary art.

3)Comparison and contrast of contemporary art with antique and modern art

And, of course, there will also be the following types of exhibits

4)Introduction of art that crosses borders, such as art from other genres

5)Introduction of domestic and international contemporary art

いろはあやの・加納萌子・柳田真理 三人展 -つきのうらがわ- 展示風景(2022/12)
いろはあやの・加納萌子・柳田真理 三人展 -つきのうらがわ- 展示風景(2022/12)

Mission of the gallery 2 [Function]

Art is actually the most familiar of the various arts, being with us in our daily lives. It is probably like a window to various inspirations and learning that is close at hand.

Therefore, we want our art gallery to be a place of “learning” and also a place where food culture and other aspects of life are cherished. We want to be a place where people can think about lifestyles that contribute to their health, prosperity, and maturity.

Furthermore, we would like to create a place where a variety of intellectuals can gather and discuss, much like contemporary art and rental art galleries of the past, so we would like to hold the following events.

1)Various lectures, round-table discussions, and social gatherings related to art and lifestyle.

2)Study sessions and dinner parties with painters and creators of various genres

3)Screenings focusing on art genres

4)Workshops in which children can also participate.


It may take some time to realize all of these things, and we are young and inexperienced as a contemporary art gallery to begin with, but we intend to continue to make efforts to inquire about the truth of art.

GALLERY SCENA. エントランス 人通りの多いエリアですが、喧騒から少し離れた場所にある落ち着いたギャラリーです
GALLERY SCENA. エントランス 人通りの多いエリアですが、喧騒から少し離れた場所にある落ち着いたギャラリーです

About the President, Chiaki Tanaka

Since 2003,He has been running a gallery in Ginza called Shukado, which deals in antique, modern, and contemporary Japanese art.

Around 2010, he started to deal in contemporary art, and in 2022, I opened here,GALLERY SCENA. in Harajuku, Tokyo as a gallery specializing in contemporary art.

We believe that the value of GALLERY SCENA. lies in its spirit and ability to deal with contemporary art through the experience of dealing with art not only from the present but also from a thousand years ago.

Furthermore, he once aspired to become a film director when he was young, and he is deeply interested in not only art but also film, theater, and literature. Contemporary art is a mixture of social phenomena and art from other fields. His respect for other fields will be the driving force behind this gallery.

Sone bld.7F, 6-4-8 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo, Japan 104-0061
+81-3-3569-3620 / info@gallery-scena.com